Congressman Tonko Named to Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water and Power


Date: July 18, 2012

Congressman Paul Tonko was named to the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water and Power today. As the only New York member of the Natural Resources Committee, and one of only five Democrats on the Subcommittee, this new assignment will focus on matters concerning America's water resources, federal irrigation projects, generation of electric power from federal water projects and interstate water issues.

"This new role enables me to leverage the strengths of Upstate New York with my individual expertise in a way that will benefit the Capital Region and energy policy across the nation," said Congressman Tonko. "I want to thank Ranking Member Markey for this opportunity -- to bring our unique voice and experience in clean energy development to the discussion in Washington. I look forward to promoting policy that strengthens waterfront development to create jobs, especially in the Hudson-Mohawk River Basin and the necklace of mill town communities surrounding it that we call home."

In addition to this new assignment, Congressman Tonko remains active on the Energy and Mineral Resources Subcommittee for the Natural Resources Committee. He also maintains his Ranking Member position on the Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee on the House Science, Space and Technology Committee as well as his seat on the Energy and Environment Subcommittee.
