Issue Position: Economy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Higher taxes are a hardship for all middle class working Americans. With our continued high taxes we create disincentive for economic investment and growth. We need to reject recent legislative efforts to increase taxes on the building blocks of our society such as: gasoline, diesel fuel, home heating fuel, property transfers, trucks and family vehicles. We need to work to lower the gas and fuel prices that are stifling our economic growth. In Vermont most of us don't have the option to take a bus or public transportation. Being a rural state many of us need to drive considerable distances to get to our jobs or to go shopping. Current gas prices are creating a hardship on most Americans.

Peter Welch voted to bail out the banks while ignoring the home owners in trouble. While he believes banks are to big to fail I believe home owners are to important to fail. He has voted to expand the national debt, sometimes with good intentions in mind but with a fundamental lack of understanding of economics. The Democrats have made government bigger by increasing the number of federal jobs by 140,000 in the past 3 years. While they believe in biggert government, smaller government is critical in saving our economic future and lower the Nationa debt.
