Issue Position: Pompeo on Health Care

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

The passage of the health care bill in March proves political elites have lost their way.

The vote by the U.S. House of Representatives sets us down a path that will deeply change the relationship between our government and its citizens. Like the overwhelming majority of Americans who oppose the Democrat health care scheme, I am severely disappointed by this vote. The price tag on this bill stands at nearly a trillion dollars and will drive the cost of health care up while reducing quality of care -- and destroying jobs in south central Kansas.

At a time when we need real reform to bring down costs and provide better health care, the political elites in Washington have decided to spend billions of dollars on a bill no one has read. During my time in the Army, I dealt with a thoroughly bureaucratic health care system and as a businessman I understand the impact of runaway costs. This bill does nothing to resolve either issue.

This bill is another example of why we need leaders in Washington who will reduce the government's scope and demand less intrusion -- and ultimately put an end to outrageous spending. The last thing Kansas families need is another politician voting with Nancy Pelosi and Henry Waxman, or one unwilling to take a stand on the issue, like Raj Goyle. I am proud to let the voters know where I stand on this important issue. Voters deserve nothing less than the straight truth from those seeking their support.
