Repeal of Obamacare Act

Floor Speech

By: Ed Royce
By: Ed Royce
Date: July 10, 2012
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. ROYCE. I thank the gentleman for yielding.

I join with those that are concerned. I urge my colleagues to repeal this health care law so that we can replace it with a plan that is fiscally responsible, that gives Americans the freedom to make health care choices for their family, that contains reforms that actually reduce costs and actually expands coverage.

My concerns here are with this 150 new government agencies that we're going to see, with what I believe will eventually lead to a government takeover of health care with the creation of a new, massive entitlement program with a cost of $1.76 trillion over the next decade. I know the argument is made, well, we're going to pay for this by cutting Medicare by over half a trillion dollars. How could that possibly be done, given the Office of the Actuary telling us that that's not possible. That is not possible.

All of the taxes in this bill, how that will hurt business, I can tell you right now. Businesses are facing an enormous amount of uncertainty, largely because of our massive debt burden, and here we have compounded that problem with 20 taxes on businesses and individuals in this law.

