Issue Position: Export Illinois Goods and Crops, Not our Jobs

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Trade

David Gill knows bad trade deals have exported thousands of good Illinois jobs to other countries like Mexico and China. Even worse, there are laws on the books that give corporations tax breaks to "outsource" these jobs and send them overseas--laws Speaker John Boehner and the Republicans in Congress won't fix.

Dr. Gill understands that our global economy should be an opportunity to sell Illinois goods, services and crops to the world. But all too often, so-called "free" trade deals sell out American workers and allow other countries to get away with manipulating their currency, paying sweatshop wages and ignoring workplace safety standards and basic environmental protections.

David supports a new framework for our trade policy to put US products and workers first. He'll push to knock down barriers to US exports and close loopholes that keep trade deals from truly being fair for American companies and their workers.
