Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Public education is a constitutionally mandated service that must be provided to the children of Georgia. I am a firm believer that strong parental involvement is the key to any successful public or private education system. Many attempts to restructure public education in this state with more layers of bureaucracy is not the answer to a quality education. No new layers of bureaucracy can take the place of an involved and caring parent. Our states public education system should continue to resist using more federal dollars and resist adopting a national "one size fits all" standard in our local school districts. Georgia loses more state sovereignty when we accept federal money with "strings attached".

Furthermore, tax payers in local school districts must hold the elected board of education officials accountable for poor governance of tax-payer supported schools. School districts in southeast Georgia should not have suffer financially at the expense of dysfunctional school districts in the Atlanta-Metro area. I will continue to stand up for our rural school districts in southeast Georgia.
