Issue Position: Jobs and Economy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

The failed economic policies President Obama and Washington Democrats have argued for the last four years have delayed economic recovery, increased federal spending, increased the national debt, and increased the likelihood of tax and interest rate hikes down the road. The one thing they have failed to increase, though, is American jobs.

Hoosiers elected me to Congress because they wanted a new, conservative approach to economic policies. We realize the government should actively engage and listen to small business owners and job creators to figure out what will help them create jobs. We shouldn't tell investors how or where to spend their money, nor should we saddle innovators and entrepreneurs with burdensome mandates and regulations. Instead, we understand the primary role for the federal government in creating jobs is to remove obstacles that keep the American people from growing our economy. I've spent the last year doing exactly that:

As a member of the Budget Committee, I worked with Chairman Paul Ryan to craft a fiscally responsible budget that would pay down our national debt to remove uncertainty from the marketplace and reform the tax code in a manner consistent with job growth.

I voted for a review of all federal regulations to determine, on a cost-basis analysis, which ones were unduly stifling job creation. Through the year, I consistently voted to remove job-killing regulations from the federal code. In December, I pushed for the passage of the REINS Act, which would massively overhaul our regulatory process to ensure that any federal rule with an economic impact of $100 million or more came to Congress for an up-or-down vote before enactment.

I voted for three free trade agreements which greatly expanded the marketplace for American products and will especially benefit our District's farmers and manufacturers.

I continue to push for comprehensive tax reform that lowers our corporate rate--currently 2nd highest in the world--and pays for it by removing narrowly defined deductions, credits and subsidies that tend to distort the marketplace by favoring individual companies and industries. I also voted for the repeal of the onerous Obamacare tax paperwork mandate on small businesses, a measure which has now been signed into law.

I supported American entrepreneurship and growth by voting in favor of a reform of our patent system, legislation that makes it easier for veterans to find work, and several bills that made it easier for new and small businesses to access the capital required to grow.
