Rep. McKinley Statement on June Unemployment Report


Date: July 9, 2012
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. David B. McKinley, P.E. (R-W.Va.) issued the following statement today regarding the latest unemployment report by the Department of Labor:

"Today's disappointing jobs numbers are yet another reminder that the economic policies of President Obama are not working. We are now in the 41st straight month of unemployment over 8%, and see no signs of the growth necessary to move our economy forward. Clearly the private sector is not "doing fine," as President Obama claims. The American people deserve better."

"November can't come soon enough for the more than 20 million unemployed and underemployed Americans. We need a new direction in this country, one that will encourage growth and make it easier for businesses to create jobs. We need to change course from the failed policies of President Obama and act now to get our economy back on track."
