Issue Position: Environment and Energy

Issue Position

By: Pat Lang
By: Pat Lang
Date: Jan. 1, 2012

America needs comprehensive short-, medium- and long-term plans for energy. We are too reliant on foreign oil, yet Congress is too beholden to Big Oil to take the search for alternative sources seriously. We really do need to CLEAN HOUSE!

I promise to be a champion for responsible energy planning and environmental stewardship. I will:

Push for a comprehensive approach to energy policy. In the short term, we'll be using coal, natural gas and other established technologies, but Congress should push to make them cleaner and to restrict windfall profits for the oil companies. The extra money that these companies make now shouldn't go to millionaire CEOs. Instead funding must go to research and development into solar, wind, biomass and other clean, sustainable sources of energy.

Support tax credits and other incentives to enable Ohio businesses to re-orient themselves for a clean energy future. If an Ohio manufacturer sees opportunities to grab a share of the clean energy business, we should have their back with low-interest loans and support for retraining.

Vote to protect clean air and water and to end the "privatization of gains and socialization of losses" that often characterizes the way corporations look at the environment. We have a God-given duty to care for the planet so that future generations will have access to both its vital resources and its beauty.
