Congressman Berman Hails Opening of Metro Orange Line Extension


Date: June 29, 2012
Location: Valley Village, CA
Issues: Transportation

Congressman Berman issued the following statement following the opening of Metro Orange Line's extension from Canoga Park to Chatsworth:

"The Orange Line is making the daily commute for Valley residents easier, faster and more reliable," said Rep. Howard Berman (D-Valley Village), a strong advocate of public transit in the San Fernando Valley. "The Orange Line extension will enable transit riders to enjoy reduced travel times and improved connections with Metrolink and the Red Line from Chatsworth Station."

"With the extension of the Orange Line, and the expected completion of the northbound 405 carpool lane next year, I am very hopeful that we'll see reduced congestion for commuters, and faster travel times for transit passengers."

Congressman Berman helped secure federal funding for the line's initial construction. He also worked to accommodate pedestrian safety concerns in the route's immediate vicinity.
