Hayworth Statement on June Jobless Report


Date: July 6, 2012
Location: Washington, DC

US Representative Nan Hayworth, M.D. (NY-19) released the following statement today regarding the latest unemployment report released by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics.

"We learned today that unemployment is still above eight percent. It has been for nearly 3 1/2 years now. And that's just the 'headline' unemployment rate. If you add in people who are working less time than they'd like to, the "underemployed," the rate is nearly 15%, with no sign of improving.

"We need to grow jobs, and we could do that if we had lower taxes and less red tape to deal with. I know, because I've heard from business owners and employers all over our District: hiring is suffering because it's gotten ever more difficult to afford to run a business here, and the massive 2010 health law is a big part of the problem. Insurance premiums have skyrocketed, which increases the cost of hiring, and loads of new job-killing, economy-crushing taxes are on the way if we don't repeal and replace the law very soon.

"We could also grow jobs here if we had a flatter, fairer tax code, or if we made energy more affordable by developing our domestic resources, or if we had a budget for the federal government. In the House of Representatives our Republican majority has worked with Democratic colleagues on relieving burdens and making our economy stronger, but most of our bills are waiting on Senate Majority Leader Reid's desk (it's more than three years since the Senate passed a budget!). Today's dismal jobs numbers prove that the American people really can't wait. I'm going to keep pushing to do the right thing for our Hudson Valley, and I call on Senator Reid and President Obama to follow the House's lead."
