Griffin: Americans Deserve the Facts about "Fast and Furious"

Press Release

Date: June 28, 2012
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Tim Griffin (AR-02), a member of the House Committee on the Judiciary, issued the following statement after the House voted to hold U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for failing to comply with a congressional subpoena related to Operation Fast and Furious:

"Attorney General Holder is resisting a legitimate and reasonable congressional review of Operation Fast and Furious -- a gun-running debacle that led to the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and hundreds of Mexican citizens. In seeking the facts regarding Fast and Furious, Congress is exercising its constitutional oversight role as contemplated by the Founding Fathers. That's why I supported today's bipartisan resolution and have called for the Attorney General's resignation."

On May 17, Griffin wrote a letter with five other members of the House Judiciary Committee to Speaker Boehner, Leader Cantor and Majority Whip McCarthy, calling for a contempt of Congress resolution against Attorney General Holder to be brought to the House Floor for a vote.

Including Griffin, at least 130 House members and five senators have called for Holder's resignation. In addition, 17 Democratic members supported today's resolution.
