Issue Position: Tax Reform

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Taxes

I support reforming our tax system in a way that will create jobs, strengthen the middle class, encourage entrepreneurs, and help small businesses grow and hire.

As our economy recovers, I am proud to have worked with my colleagues in Congress over the past several years to enact tax breaks in order to assist Americans. In 2009, 95 percent of all working families received a tax cut through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and most recently Congress enacted legislation to extend the pay roll tax cut through 2012 to save the average American worker $1,000 this year alone. While these efforts helped vulnerable households during the economic recovery and created jobs, we must continue our work to close the current gap in the tax code.

A comprehensive tax reform plan should ensure that everyone pays their fair share. For too many years, the tax code has benefited the wealthy at the expense of the majority of Americans. In many cases, families that are struggling to make ends meet are actually paying a higher tax rate than millionaires and billionaires. For example, under the proposed "Buffet Rule", people making over a million dollars would be asked to contribute more into the tax system to level the playing field, while those making less would not see an increase in their taxes. In addition, it is imperative that we also close tax loopholes for corporations that ship jobs overseas. Furthermore, we must simplify the tax code because far too often it can be a daunting system that is difficult for individuals to understand and comply with.

I look forward to working with my colleagues in Congress to work on ways to reform our tax code in a manner that supports economic growth, creates jobs, and benefits working families.
