Issue Position: Environment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Environment

Michigan is such a beautiful state, and our district is one of the most scenic areas. I believe that our rolling hills and numerous lakes should be safe from intrusion by corporations looking to exploit our resources for capital gains. Our current Republican leaders have done nothing to protect our natural resources, instead they have opened the doors for corporations to enter our district and strip it of its beauty.

I want to work hard to eliminate dictatorial control over our natural resources and put the control in the hands of the local municipalities and its citizens. The state is not adequately enforcing elements of the clean water act and the clean air act. Instead, we are poisoning ourselves slowly and contributing to global environmental hazards.

I believe our representative should be working hard to preserve our natural resources and fight to maintain them for future generations. Instead of looking for short-term solutions that merely stall environmental devastation, our representative needs to be able to make the hard decisions and stand up for what citizens like us want -- a clean and safe place to live.
