Republicans in Eden & Lancaster Endorse Collins for Congress

Press Release

Date: May 14, 2012
Issues: Elections

Members of the Eden and Lancaster Republican committees have voted to endorse Chris Collins for Congress. Collins is running for the newly drawn 27th Congressional seat, which includes all or part of eight counties spanning Western New York and the Finger Lakes. Collins is running on his record of private sector job creation as a businessman and bringing a commonsense, conservative approach to fixing broken government as a former county executive.

"The hardworking residents of the 27th Congressional District need and, more importantly, deserve a representative in Congress who actually shares their values and ideals," said Collins. "I am that candidate and my record proves it. Our leaders in Washington have to get serious about our spending and debt so we can get this country's economy moving again. I have been lucky enough to live the American Dream and I want to go to Washington and fight every day to make sure future generations can live that dream, too. I want to thank the GOP committee members in Eden and Lancaster for their continued support of me and my candidacy.""As someone who works hard every day to support my family, I want Chris fighting for me in Washington," said Eden Republican Chairman Tim Rohe. "We need Chris in Congress making sure our tax dollars are being spent wisely and that Washington starts making the right decisions to get our economy back on track. I want a bright future for my children and I know Chris does too."

"As a shoe salesman putting himself through college or as a young man maxing out his credit card to purchase his first business, Chris knew his hard work and determination would meet opportunity in this country," said Lancaster GOP Chairman Robert Matthews. "Sadly, that's not always the case today and the failed policies in Washington are to blame. Chris is the representative the people of the 27th District need to help bring fiscal sanity to Washington.
The candidate of the New York State Conservative Party, Collins is running in a Republican Party primary on June 26, 2012. Having spent more than 35 years in the private sector, Chris has helped create or save 500 jobs in our region. As a former county executive, Chris made the tough decisions to cut debt and reduce spending to turn Erie County's finances around.
