Issue Position: Energy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Energy

As we confront rising gas prices and more demands from our energy grid, America needs to ensure we have a balanced, all of the above, energy plan which includes investing in a clean energy sources. A good plan will include responsibly producing and maximizing traditional oil and gas resources and further developing alternative energy like wind, solar, biofuels, geothermal, nuclear and other renewable energy and energy efficiency measures.

Colorado and the 7th Congressional District hold the key to changing the way we power this nation. We have abundant solar, wind, geothermal and natural gas resources. Additionally, we have the finest renewable energy research laboratory in the world -- the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) located here in Golden, CO.

A robust renewable energy research environment helped our state attract many of the companies that created thousands of good-paying jobs here in our district and state. Promoting renewable e2012-01-01nergy and energy efficiency is good for national security and good for jobs. American-made wind turbines, solar panels and homegrown next-generation biofuels will create the jobs of the future by harnessing the power of our research institutions and the American entrepreneurial spirit.

Colorado has vast resources of natural gas, which is cleaner than diesel fuel and coal. This is why I joined the Natural Gas Caucus in Congress. Combining clean burning natural gas with solar and wind is a perfect match for utility power and our trucking fleets. This combination is win-win for both Colorado and the nation.

We must fight to close the gap between energy demand and supply through increased domestic production and ambitious conservation efforts. We must adopt a responsible, comprehensive "all-of-the-above" approach to secure energy independence. Promoting energy independence will unleash American technological innovation, research and development, create jobs and strengthen our national security.
