Issue Position: Reduce Taxes

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

We are getting killed with taxes, fees and credit. We are not only burdening current taxpayers with legislative mismanagement, we are selling out our future for quick-fix gimmicks and pork. I cannot let that stand, and will work to lower the tax burden on families and businesses.

To give you an idea of how upside-down things have become, I have included some of the highlights of the 2009 to 2011 budget fixes passed in Madison. All of which were supported by my opponent Jim Soletski.

*Raise taxes & fees by $4.77 billion (this includes an allowable increase of $1.50 billion in property taxes and a $1.21 billion tax increase as part of their separate "stimulus package")
*Raise property taxes by over $300 on owners of median-valued homes
*Increase the cost of insuring your automobile by 33-43 percent

Currently Wisconsin ranks as the 3rd worst state in which to do business and one of the 5th most taxed state in the union. This is not a sustainable environment for families or business. We are competing with every other state in the union, the more people and businesses that leave, the smaller our tax base becomes, and that only exacerbates our existing issues.

I will fight the increases in taxes, and work to Make Wisconsin more attractive to live and to do business by limiting government intrusion, programs and lowering taxes.
