Issue Position: Universal Health Care

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

I believe the current health care reform bill does more harm than good. The Health Care Reform bill does not go far enough to increase access or control costs. Our health care system is the most expensive and least effective in the world. The Health Care Reform bill does not cover everyone. Nor does it control costs. Instead, it allows Wall Street to use loopholes to raise rates.

I support Universal Health Care, also known as Medicare for All because it is the only way to greatly reduce the cost of health care and expand coverage to include everyone. Our biggest problem is the cost of health care is way too high. The so called reform bill did nothing to contain costs. I want to cut the cost of health care in half by providing a real public option to compete with private health care and thereby keep private health care monopolies from arbitrarily raising premiums.

At the same time, I want to greatly reduce the cost of health care for those who would like to keep their private health insurance. We should offer tax credits for 100% of the cost of private health insurance premiums. This would give all Americans a choice of private or public health care and greatly reduced costs.

Every American would save thousands of dollars per year. This is money that they could then spend at local small businesses further stimulating economic recovery. Right now, that money is going into the bank accounts of greedy Wall Street executives taking billions of dollars out of our economy. My plan will reduce and limit the profits of Wall Street executives and pump billions of dollars back into our Main Street economy.
