Lamborn Statement on U.S. Supreme Court Healthcare Ruling


Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) issued this statement following the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act:

"This is a sad day for freedom and liberty in America. President Obama adamantly denied that the massive individual penalty in ObamaCare was a tax, so to hear the Court define it as a tax is extremely disturbing. This is an unprecedented tax on the American people that will cripple our economy. ObamaCare is a train wreck for small businesses and American families and must be repealed.

"While I respect the judicial oversight of the Supreme Court, the Court did not create this problem. Congress created this mess, and Congress must fix it.

"If ObamaCare is not repealed, it will continue to be a drag on the economy and prevent us from returning to full employment. My Republican colleagues and I are focused on helping grow the economy, and we cannot do that with ObamaCare standing in the way. This unfortunate ruling makes the stakes all that much higher for this November's election. It is absolutely essential that Congress repeal ObamaCare so that we can get back to economic growth and job creation in this country."-- Doug Lamborn (CO-05)
