Why Does it Matter? Eric Holder in Contempt of Congress


Date: June 25, 2012

It's unfortunate the House Oversight Committee recommended that Eric Holder be cited for Contempt of Congress, but their hands were forced by an uncooperative Executive.

Let me be clear: I support the Committee's decision.

Just over a year and a half ago, U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was shot and killed by a weapon traced to US officials. Officials have also traced these weapons to the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans by the drug cartels on both sides of the border.

How did this happen and why? Unfortunately, Holder has stonewalled Congress and the Oversight Committee's investigation by refusing to comply with congressional subpoenas to get to the truth in Operation Fast and Furious.

In the meantime violence continues unabated at the border and President Obama has joined with Holder to conceal the facts and keep Congress and the public in the dark. Yesterday's vote was monumental. We deserve to know the truth.
