Ranking Member Robert Brady Statement on the Supreme Court's Montana Decision


Date: June 26, 2012

The Supreme Court today overturned a century-old Montana campaign finance law prohibiting corporations from making political expenditures, effectively spreading the devastating impact of Citizens United to state and local elections.

"I am disappointed to learn that Supreme Court has once again favored corporate, foreign, and secret political influence over the voices of the American people," said House Administration Committee Ranking Member Robert Brady (D-PA). "Citizens United was a disastrous decision for our democracy and it's unfortunate that the Court is uninterested in repairing that damage. Despite this decision, we remain undaunted in the fight for fairness and transparency in our elections."

In May, Democrats from the House Administration Committee and Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) filed an Amicus Brief in support of the Montana Supreme Court's decision to ban corporate in politics.
