Rep. Farenthold Concerned that Obama Administration is Once Again Bypassing Congress by Implementing Dream Act Through Executive Action


Date: June 15, 2012
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Blake Farenthold (TX-27) made the following statement in reaction to the Obama Administration's announcement to offer immunity to thousands of illegal immigrants.

"Representing the border, I sympathize with children that are the victims of illegal immigration and applaud the President for proposing a solution to this problem. Unfortunately, the President has once again exceeded his Constitutional authority, by bypassing Congress and choosing which laws to enforce and not to enforce in a blatant attempt to gain votes in an election year," said Rep. Farenthold.

"I am concerned that absent comprehensive immigration reform and a secure border, the President's policy incentivizes illegal immigration. While I am generally supportive of finding a way to allow young children brought into this country illegally, many of who have served our country honorably, to stay and earn a living here, there are still too many details that need to be debated through the legislative process. Furthermore, we must ensure this policy does not lead to children becoming anchors for their parents, who brought them across the border illegally, to gain an advantage in obtaining legal status."
