Issue Position: Secret Position

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

The foundation of our democracy is the right of each and every American to vote on who should represent our interests and concerns in government. Fundamental to that process is the concept of a secret ballot- ­ an opportunity to express one's opinion without the fear of intimidation, coercion, or retribution. As someone who believes we must not weaken that process in any arena, I am troubled by the efforts of some special interests in Washington who are trying to undermine the right to a secret ballot for individuals who are choosing whether or not to join a labor union.

What has been incorrectly touted as the Employee Free Choice Act is truly an effort by union leadership and their allies in Congress to limit choice in the workplace. They are determined to do so even if it means that hard working South Carolinians will find their right to a secret ballot for union elections all but taken away. The secondary consequence of this unfortunate legislation would be a system of binding arbitration for companies and workers by the federal government if employers and employees do not come to an agreement before 120 days after the start of negotiations. This is a terrible incentive for either party that could lead to one side or the other choosing to stall negotiations in hopes that the government will get them a better deal.

It is fair to say that the federal government has already begun to intrude too much into the private sector with potentially dire consequences for American competitiveness and employee rights. The Employee Free Choice Act, or "Card Check" as it is commonly known, would have a negative impact on job creation and business growth in South Carolina and around this country- ­particularly for our small businesses which are the most prolific job creators in the United States. Some have estimated that card check could cost our economy up to 600,000 jobs. This is unacceptable at any time but particularly when so many South Carolinians are facing job losses during these tough economic times.
I have confidence in the job creating power of our small businesses and our entrepreneurs, and I know that given the opportunity to fairly compete in what is now a global economy, South Carolina businesses and families can and will bring prosperity to our communities. The ill-named Employee Free Choice Act would only cost jobs and burden our already struggling industries. I hope you will join me in opposing this effort and telling those special interests in Washington that government should not take away your right to a secret ballot or dictate the terms of your employment.
