Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Earlier this week, the Senate Finance Committee approved the health care bill proposed by Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont.). Without a doubt, this bill will increase government spending and increase taxes for Americans.

We need more people to voice their opposition to the Democratic leadership. Will you help us get this message out by asking five of your friends to sign up today?

It is true that our current health care system is costly and difficult to navigate, but we need real solutions. While the intention of health care reform is to lower the cost of health insurance, this bill could actually increase the cost. It also includes $507 billion in new taxes and fees that will hurt average Americans across the country.

In this economy, implementing a bill that will increase the tax burden on individuals as well as small businesses is not acceptable.

There is something fundamentally wrong when a small-business owner faces bankruptcy or lay-offs because of some obscure Washington healthcare mandate. We don't need a government-centered health care plan in America -- we need a patient-centered health care plan in America.

I remain committed to supporting reforms that increase access to those who cannot get coverage under current plans. I also support protecting the rights of individuals and families to keep their coverage and choose their own doctors.

The health care bill I would like to see would:

Protect Medicare for the millions of seniors that rely on this important program

Provide access to care for pre-existing conditions

Allow for competition, and let you buy a personalized insurance plan across state lines that works for you, not Washington

Encourage employers to offer discounts for employees with healthy habits

Work to eliminate frivolous lawsuits that ultimately drive up the cost of healthcare

Offer citizens tax dollars back through credits and deductions so they can purchase an affordable plan that works for them

I strongly support real health care reform, but the Baucus bill will hurt Americans more than help them.

We don't need fast, radical reform in Washington -- we need reasonable, responsible reform that protects our seniors and helps make health care more affordable for all Americans.
