Issue Position: Jobs

Issue Position

Since Nancy Pelosi and her gang of liberals have taken over Congress, unemployment has shot up from 6% to nearly 10% nationwide now. That means more than 14 million people are out of work. Joe Wilson believes families and small businesses need common sense tax cuts and relief from big government red tape.
Joe's 3 point Jobs Plan.
1. 5% across the board tax cut (HR 470)
2. Repeal and replace Obamacare (HR 4944)
3. 20% discretionary spending cut. Returning spending to 2008 levels and keeping it that way until the federal budget is balanced in 2019. (H.Con.Res. 281)
The Economic Recovery and Middle-Class Tax Relief Act (H.R. 470)
The Economic Recovery and Middle-Class Relief Act of 2009 is a common-sense
alternative to the Democrats' big-spending plans.
While the liberal Majority in Washington is calling for more government
borrowing and spending during a time of out-of-control budget deficits, Joe
Wilson supports a pro-growth, free-market approach that will unleash the
potential of American ingenuity. This plan provides incentive-based relief
in order to reduce the burden that the government places on both employers
and employees. In order to spur economic growth, we need a business
environment that invigorates the private sector, not another big-government
Joe Wilson supports legislation to provide much-needed, incentive-based
relief for job creators and to reduce the cost that government imposes on
middle-class families.
The Economic Recovery and Middle-Class Tax Relief Act is designed to provide
broad, growth-oriented, permanent incentives for economic activity across all
sectors and industries.
Our goal is for Washington to take a back seat to promoting small

1) Support Families through Tax Relief
2) Provide Economic Relief for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs
3) Save Future Generations from a Crushing Debt Burden
Key Components:
5% across the board income tax cutIncrease Child Tax Credit to $5,000Make the 15% rate on Capital Gains and Dividends permanentMake all withdrawals from IRAs Tax-and Penalty-FreePermanently repeal required distributions on retirement accountsIncrease by 50% the tax deduction on student loans and on qualified higher education expensesAllow small business a tax deduction of 20% of their incomeEncourage responsible home buyers with a credit of $7,500.

Repeal and Replace Obamacare -- Siding With America's Patients Act (HR4944)
* Covers pre-existing conditions
* Provides small-business tax incentives for health plans
* Allows people to shop for insurance across state lines
* Increases pooling options for insurance buying
* Plan entirely paid for

20% Discretionary Spending Cut & Balanced Budget Amendment
Our economy will not get back to its feet with big government spending. On the contrary, government must set an example and start living within its means. Bringing the budget back to the 2008 level and keeping it that way reflects true financial discipline. Small businesses can't spend more than they take in, so why should Washington?
