Issue Position: Veterans

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Veterans

Shelley has stood up for Nevada's veterans throughout her career in public service. She understands that America's men and women in uniform have put their lives on the line in service to their country and that they deserve the best equipment and care in order to do their jobs. However, ensuring they're cared for doesn't end once they leave the service. We have a responsibility to make sure their sacrifices are rewarded with quality health care, housing and help finding a job in this tough economy once they return home to their loved ones.

Shelley has been instrumental in the fight for quality health care for Nevada's veterans, leading the push for construction of the Southern Nevada VA medical complex, which will house a state-of-the-art hospital, an outpatient clinic, and a long-term care facility. Shelley passed legislation that transferred the land for the medical complex to the VA from the Bureau of Land Management, which saved millions of dollars for the project and taxpayers. She's also cosponsored legislation to allow Department of Defense health care professionals to treat veterans across state lines. This clears the way for telemedicine and e-health applications so veterans don't have to travel long distances to get care.
Shelley is a strong supporter of helping our veterans to get the best education possible. She is a leading advocate for the 21st Century Veterans Bill of Rights, which provides veterans with funding to go to college or technical and vocational institutes.

Too many of Nevada's veterans are struggling and have found themselves without a place to live after returning home. Shelley has worked to make sure they don't fall through the cracks. She fought against Washington Republicans trying to end a crucial voucher program to help veterans put a roof over their heads. She also secured funding to study mental health and substance abuse issues to help returning Iraq and Afghanistan War veterans.

When our nation's veterans are laid to rest, they deserve full recognition of their service and their families deserve peace of mind. That's why Shelley championed legislation to modernize veterans' burial benefits to help veterans' families cover final expenses, including a grave marker or headstone to recognize a loved one's military service.
