Issue Position: Housing

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

No state's homeowners have been hit harder by the foreclosure crisis than Nevada. That's why no one has fought harder than Shelley to help struggling Nevada families stay in their homes and help communities suffering from foreclosures.

While there is still much work to be done, she's made it a priority to ensure Nevadans have access to the resources they need to keep a roof over their heads and to make their mortgages affordable. As creator and co-chair of the House Democratic Caucus's Housing Stabilization Task Force, she's worked to examine the programs aimed at helping homeowners to see which actually work and how to fix the ones that don't.

When borrowers need help with their mortgages, open communication with their lender is key. Shelley's worked hard to open those lines of communication and hold unresponsive lenders accountable. She's also pushed legislation to allow bankruptcy judges to modify existing mortgages for families that file Chapter 13 bankruptcy as an incentive for lenders to voluntarily modify mortgages.
Unfortunately, on top of facing difficult economic times and the stress of falling behind on mortgage payments, many Nevadans have also had to face mortgage scams when they turn for help. Shelley has reached out to put homeowners in contact with qualified professionals for help and voted to give federal prosecutors resources to target mortgage fraud. She has also called for an investigation into financial institutions' handling of foreclosure proceedings to ensure that Nevadans' rights are protected
