Issue Position: Creating Jobs and Economy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Energy

At the height of the recession, our nation was shedding nearly one million jobs each month and Nevada's unemployment rate had skyrocketed to 14.5%. While there have been some improvements, Nevadans are still struggling and there is much work left to be done.

Shelley Berkley understands this. That's why her number one, two and three priorities are jobs, jobs and more jobs.

Clean Energy Jobs

Shelley is fighting to diversify Nevada's economy by ensuring the state becomes the clean energy capital of America by taking advantage of the state's abundant natural resources like wind, solar and geothermal energy. She successfully fought to bring a new 21st Century clean energy transmission line connecting White Pine and Clark counties to attract renewable energy companies to the state in order to create good paying jobs that can't be shipped overseas. Additionally, she successfully fought the attempts by Washington Republicans to kill the Department of Energy Loan Guarantee Program that is now making job-creating clean energy projects such as solar panel manufacturing facilities possible throughout the state.

Creating Jobs in America

In order to rebuild Nevada's economy, Shelley knows we need to create jobs right here in Nevada -- not China. She's fighting to rebuild America's manufacturing base while ending unfair loopholes and taxpayer giveaways that encourage U.S. companies to ship jobs overseas. Additionally, she's written legislation incentivizing companies to invest profits made overseas back here in the United States to create jobs or increase payrolls.

Giving Small Businesses the Tools to Hire Again

A strong, vibrant small business community is crucial to diversifying Nevada's economy and putting people back to work. Shelley is proud to be a strong ally of the state's entrepreneurs, fighting to secure tax breaks to help them hire, provide quality benefits to their employees and work with the Small Business Administration to get the tools and resources they need to grow and succeed.

Protecting and Growing Nevada's Tourism Industry

There's nowhere like Nevada in the world, and Shelley is committed to ensuring the state maintains its status as the world's premier tourist destination. With tourists spending approximately $46.6 billion and supporting 427,000 jobs in the state in 2010, Shelley understands the importance of tourism to Nevada's economy and job creation in both the north and the south. She's championed legislation like the Travel Promotion Act to encourage travel to the United States and Nevada and she's worked diligently to boost Nevada's tourism industry and create more good-paying jobs for working families.

Rebuilding America's Infrastructure

Shelley is fighting every day to put Nevadans back to work by investing in America's infrastructure. Upgrading our roads, bridges, airports, dams, trains and transit systems not only directly creates jobs but is also the key to economic development and future growth.
