Issue Position: Jobs and the Economy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Nevadans are hurting. After an economic boom that lasted for decades we were hit by the recession worse than any state. The nation's weak and slow recovery has been even weaker and slower in the Silver State, where we still suffer from the highest unemployment rate in the nation.

As a small business owner, Danny knows what it takes to create jobs. He also knows that too often the government stands in the way of job growth and economic development.

Danny will shake things up in Washington, D.C. and not settle for the failed status quo. He offers concrete steps the federal government can take to bring back jobs and promote economic development in Nevada and the rest of the country, without increasing spending or debt.

In Washington, Danny will work to bring our economy back. He will lead the charge to:

* Eliminate regulations and legislation that are stifling businesses and killing jobs.

* Free the states from federal strangleholds that prevent states from using their own land and resources for economic development and job creation.

* Develop our own domestic energy resources.

* Replace the current tax code with a fair tax system.
