Obamacare Propaganda

Floor Speech

Date: June 6, 2012
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. QUAYLE. Mr. Speaker, at a time of record-breaking debt and deficits--or really anytime for that matter--it boggles the mind that the Obama administration would spend $20 million of taxpayer money to pay for propaganda on behalf of ObamaCare. Yet that has happened. Mr. Speaker, I have seen these commercials that attempt to explain the supposed benefits of ObamaCare, but they are just poorly conceived campaign ads.

It's bad enough that American taxpayers are on the hook for this massively expensive boondoggle which does nothing to solve the underlying problems in our health care system. It's bad enough that many Americans are losing their health care coverage because of this bill, and that the bill is causing more and more doctors to drop Medicare patients. It's bad enough that Americans will see their tax bill go up because of ObamaCare. Now the Obama administration expects the American people to pay for ads touting the law that did these things.

Rarely does a day go by where we don't hear of a new negative effect of this disastrous legislation. This week, we learned that many students are seeing their university-based or individual health care premiums rise dramatically. Some colleges have either dropped their student health plans entirely or are planning to do so as ObamaCare mandates kick in that force students to purchase health plans that in most cases go far beyond what is necessary.

Then yesterday, we saw an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal by Steven Greer, who was involved in a grant approval process for an ObamaCare program. Through this op-ed, we got yet another dismal view into the twisted bureaucracy that is implementing this disastrous legislation. Mr. Greer recounts one case in which a $1.9 million grant was given to George Washington University for a program which is expected to produce merely $1.7 million in health care savings.

Mr. Speaker, even before full implementation, ObamaCare has been a costly disaster for the American people. This arrogant, taxpayer-funded propaganda campaign just adds insult to injury. And like ObamaCare, the ad campaign should end immediately.
