Leader Cantor: We Don't Grow Jobs from Washington, We Grow Them from Small Businesses

Press Conference

Date: May 31, 2012

"Good morning, last week I had the opportunity when I was home in Richmond to visit several small business people. Suffice it to say that they remain concerned and are reflecting the kind of message that we are receiving from public polling across the country. Small businesses still feel like we are in a recession. 71 percent of them say that they believe the economy is still in a recession and it's because of the uncertainty in going forward and helping grow their businesses.

"The Speaker talked about some of the things we are going to do to remove that uncertainty in health care and for the tax outlook. The bottom line is, in the House, we continue to try and focus on small business people and how we can get into that mindset so we can grow jobs.. We don't grow them from Washington, we grow them from small businesses. That's what our agenda is about. It's about empowering the small businessmen and women who are the backbone of this economy.

"The President talks a lot about his to-do list in Congress and says he wants to help small businesses. We want to help small businesses too, but we have to first take care of the fact that there is an overly burdensome regulatory scheme affecting small businesses in this country. In fact, the SBA said, as of 2008, regulation costs small businesses $10,000 per employee. And we wonder why it's so difficult for men and women to go into business and to create jobs. That's what we are trying to correct and we say to the President, work with us, so we can get this economy growing again."
