Issue Position: Honor for the Veterans

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Veterans

With a father who served in World War II and the Korean War, and a son currently serving in the Missouri Air National Guard, I share the pride of those with loved ones in the military. I strongly believe the greatest respect we can pay them is to require the congress to either declare our wars as is provided in the constitution, or stop the hostilities in foreign countries. When congress votes to declare war, they have discussions that explain to the nation why we are there. The congress of our country has abdicated their constitutional responsibility to us by allowing the man occupying the White House to drop bombs and send our service members over to foreign soil to engage in hostilities without the consent or approval of the citizens.Those who are willing to sacrifice their lives for us should not be failed by a congress that is unwilling to clarify their missions.

If we ever forget the sacrifices of those who came before us, we can not really appreciate the freedoms we enjoy today. My father is a veteran of both World War II and the Korean War. I just love hearing his stories of heroism and bravery. The price of our liberty was too high to just throw it away.
