Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act of 2012

Floor Speech

Date: May 10, 2012
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, it's called a reconciliation act, but how do we reconcile more money for bombs while cutting money for bread? How do we reconcile our Nation helping oil companies, arms merchants, and war profiteers while cutting assistance to low- and moderate-income families?

My colleagues are worried about abuse of food stamps. I wish they would have additional concern and sympathy for the abuse of the middle class, for 10 million Americans out of work, for millions losing their homes, their retirement security.

Let's look to where the real fraud is in our government--in wars based on lies, over trillions of dollars, billions of U.S. money lost or stolen in Afghanistan. Just in the last week, $80 million for a consulate that they are not even going to use, they are going to close. And we blame poor people using food stamps?

The real deficit we're dealing with here is a moral deficit, and it's time that we face the truth.

