Reid Statement On USPS Plan To Keep Nevada Rural Post Offices Open


Date: May 9, 2012
Location: Washington, DC

Nevada Senator Harry Reid issued the following statement on Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe's announcement that the United States Postal Service will keep Nevada's rural post offices open with shortened hours of operation:

"Today's announcement from the United States Postal Service ensures that rural Nevadans will not lose access to their local post offices. I am pleased that the USPS listened to my concerns and those of many Senators who fought to protect rural post offices. Last month, I worked to pass a bipartisan postal reform bill that updates the Postal Service's business model, preserves six-day-a-week delivery, and protects rural post offices. This is good news for Nevada's rural communities, however, the House has yet to pass a postal bill. With a looming financial crisis facing the postal service, I urge the House to pass legislation without delay that updates our Postal System and protects American jobs."

Background on the Senate Postal Reform Bill:

The Senate postal reform bill (S. 1789) included strong reforms to protect rural Americans access to postal services. The Senate unanimously adopted an amendment from Senators McCaskill (D-MO) and Merkley (D-OR) to provide for a 1 year moratorium on rural post office closures. Link The Senate also adopted by voice an amendment from Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) to allow the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) to reverse a decision by the USPS to close rural post offices
