Rep. Gardner Praises Return to Common Sense as "Youth Ag" Rule Withdrawn

Press Release

Date: April 26, 2012
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO) released the following statement upon hearing that the Department of Labor has withdrawn a proposed rule dealing with children who work in agriculture:

"The fact that this rule was ever proposed in the first place was absurd, and it shows the Administration's fundamental misunderstanding of what it takes to run a family farm," Gardner said. "I am, however, glad to see the Administration exercise common sense and actually listen to the thousands of comments expressing concerns about the effect it would have on family-owned farms."

The proposed revisions to our nation's child labor laws would have prohibited children on farms from participating in a variety of activities including operating a tractor, applying pesticides and working with livestock. Children would also be prohibited from working on any farm that was not directly owned by their parents.

In December, Gardner sent a letter to Labor Secretary Hilda Solis asking her to abandon the new rule, saying they would threaten Colorado agriculture and opportunities for aspiring young farmers.
