Issue Position: Pro-Choice Versus Pro-Life

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Reproduction

Abortion is the most social complex issue and merits much discussion. I believe this question cannot be answered simply in black and white (pro-choice, pro-life) terms. At a spiritual level, I do feel that abortion is wrong. Conceiving "loosely" and then going and having an abortion at will is not morally correct. This is not the message we want to send to our teenagers. However, there are certainly instances in which couples are faced with a situation where the pregnancy was truly unplanned and accidental, and the mother (or both partners) is simply not prepared socially, emotionally, or financially to go through child-birth and beyond. Forcing child-birth in such circumstances is unfair to the mother, father, and a child. Going from one foster home to another, or having children become wards of the state is not a good solution. Adoption by loving parents, which is great, unfortunately does not happen all the time. Hence the major thrust should be wide-spread, better education that prevents (or decreases) the incidence of unwanted pregnancies and societal mechanisms to address unwanted pregnancies that go to term; at present I would not take away the choice of abortion. It does not make it right --however, the guilt only belongs to the parents and not society.
