Issue Position: Worker's Rights

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

I believe that all workers should have the right to organize and bargain for fair pay, safe and appropriate working conditions, and health and retirement benefits.

Collective bargaining is an idea that was created in Wisconsin. It was important to allow a strong middle class to develop in Wisconsin. The current giant gap between the 1% and the rest of us has developed in part due to the loss of union membership across the nation.

I said NO when Scott Walker wanted to fast track his union busting plan and as governor I would respect the rights of all working people here in Wisconsin.

Sometimes it is necessary for unionized workers to make sacrifices to the common good. But those sacrifices need to be more than matched by those richest of Wisconsinites and Americans in the upper 1%. And sometimes we need to deal with the occasional, but very rare, abuses of unions. But we must give at least as much attention to the horrendous abuses by the corporate and financial giants in our state and nation.

In short, I stand with the working women and men of Wisconsin and the nation, and pledge to work to make their futures more secure.
