Natural Resources Subpoenas


Date: April 1, 2012

On Wednesday, the House Natural Resources Committee voted to issue subpoenas for the production of documents relating to two oversight investigations. The first investigation is related to the Obama Administration's rewrite of a coal production regulation. The second investigation is to determine why the current Administration issued a report that was edited to imply that a six-month drilling moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico was recommended by a panel of engineering experts, when the facts indicate that is not the case.

The White House has not been open, honest, or forthcoming in its decisions and actions as it continues to withhold the vast majority of requested material. This behavior left the Committee with no other choice but to move forward with subpoenas. The Committee has been waiting on some of the requested documents well for over one year.

Their secrecy and refusal to comply with simple requests can no longer be tolerated. It is distressing that it has had to come down to issuing subpoenas in order for the Obama Administration to uphold their promises of transparency and to allow Congress to conduct its constitutionally mandated oversight. At least now, we can finally have the documents turned over, which relate to two issues that directly impact American jobs and energy production.

For more information, please visit the House Natural Resources webpage at
