Issue Position: Joe on Energy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Energy

Right now, the Democrat majority in Washington is trying to push through a massive national energy tax. They may call it "cap and trade" but any American family who will see their energy bills go up by several thousand dollars will know that this is truly a tax. It is unfortunate that some are still pursuing these types of divisive and short-sighted efforts. Cap and trade and other big government, high tax programs only lay the burden of cleaner energy onto the backs of American taxpayers. That is unacceptable, and it is not the way to inspire entrepreneurship, encourage conservation, and keep our economy and jobs growing.

You know and I know there is a better way forward to address rising fuel costs and put our nation on a course for a cleaner energy future. In Congress, I have been working in a bipartisan manner with members who share our common goal that America should be the pioneer of new, affordable, and reliable energy. But to cross that bridge to a new age of transportation fuel and a smarter electricity infrastructure, we cannot turn our backs on the tremendous natural resources we have here at home.

While cap and trade will try and tax our way to a cleaner energy future, a comprehensive strategy will do more to address rising gas prices and environmental concerns. This all-of-the-above approach relies on American natural resources like oil and natural gas to bring down the price at the pump and reduce our dependency on foreign oil. It raises revenue to meet our commitment to investing capital in new and innovative energy sources. And, it enlists the American people in this common pursuit by encouraging not mandating better energy efficiency and conservation.

Supporters of cap and trade seem to have given up on American energy resources and on the American spirit of ingenuity. I stand with the families of South Carolina who do not deserve to see their taxes raised. I stand for an all-of-the-above energy strategy that will lead to a cleaner energy future.
