Issue Position: Job Creation

Issue Position

Creating jobs is NOT the role of the federal government. Creating an environment where private-sector entrepreneurs can flourish IS. Private-sector job creators provide Americans with the opportunities to work, live, and to raise their families. As a former small business owner, I know this first-hand.

Creating an atmosphere for our small businesses to thrive means that government must let our nation's entrepreneurs breathe. Overreaching regulations, excessive taxation, and a big government mindset are strangling our small businesses. We must promote policies that restore confidence in our communities. We must show our country's small businesses that we also understand what it means to tighten our belts. We must do away with policies that are detrimental to growth and innovation.

To fight against the current job-killing environment, I have authored and cosponsored bills to get our country working again:

* H.R. 2587, Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act (authored)
* H.R. 3606, Jumpstart our Business Startups (JOBS) Act
* H.R. 2930, Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act
* H.R. 2940, Access to Capital for Job Creators Act
* H.R. 4, Comprehensive 1099 Taxpayer Protection and Repayment of Exchange Subsidy Overpayments
* Jobs Through Growth Act (HR 3400)
* HR 2433, The Veterans Opportunity to Work Act
* H.R. 1229, Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act
* H.R. 1230, Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act
* H.R. 1231, Reversing President Obama's Offshore Moratorium Act
* H.R. 1287, 3-D, Domestic Jobs, Domestic Energy, and Deficit Reduction Act
* EPA Regulatory Relief Act (HR 2250)
* Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act (HR 2273)
* TRAIN Act (Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on the Nation) (HR 2401)
