We Have One More Opportunity to Save Medicare

Floor Speech

Date: March 28, 2012
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, yesterday I had the opportunity over at the Supreme Court to witness the oral arguments on the individual mandate. I believe I could tell from the faces of the Justices that there was significant skepticism about this provision of the Affordable Care Act. You know, if we were smart, that skepticism could open the way for thoughtful alternatives by this Congress.

Mr. Speaker, I want to preserve and protect Medicare. Speaker Pelosi last year cut $500 billion from Medicare, and the President has placed his bet on a bureaucratic control board, the Independent Payment Advisory Board.

A trustees' report from a year ago suggested that the Medicare trust fund will be exhausted in less than a decade. That doesn't seem like a viable way forward. We've got a budget resolution up this week to preserve and protect Medicare. The Republican action ensures access to care in the future. This House has voted to repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board, and maybe the Senate should take up the same action.

We have to reduce the spending that diverts thought and effort from patient care and free up resources to focus on these patients. We are committed to protecting our seniors and Medicare, lowering the deficit, and creating a workable system that allows for good doctors to help more patients.
