Dead Before Birth: Rep. Barton Applauds Repeal of Controversial IPAB


Date: March 22, 2012
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas) Chairman Emeritus and senior Republican on the Energy and Commerce Committee, made the following statement on the House approval of the PATH Act, H.R. 5, which repeals the controversial Independent Payment Advisory Board and advances medical liability reform:

"Today, for the 26th time, the House of Representatives passed a bill that repeals or defunds ObamaCare. We have a saying around Washington that things are DOA or Dead on Arrival. Well, the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) is DBB or Dead Before Birth. IPAB is essentially a Medicare rationing committee whose members have no accountability to the American people. This bill to eliminate it got bipartisan support in the House and hopefully the Senate will act on it soon.

"The bill also includes medical malpractice liability reforms similar to what have already been implemented in Texas. It is estimated this could save taxpayers $45 billion over 10 years.

"House Republicans are dedicated to repealing all of ObamaCare and replacing it with market oriented reforms that restore personal choice and allow the American health care system, which is the best in the world, to continue to improve."
