Issue Position: Improving Our Children's Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

John believes that every child deserves a high quality, publically funded education. Yet the source of that education, whether in public, charter, or private schools, must be left to the parents and not the federal government. We have access to one of the greatest natural classrooms in the world -- the State of Utah. Our lopsided ratio of State vs. Federally controlled lands often restricts access to what is perhaps the single greatest educational resource our students will have ever have -- the amazing and wondrous places right here in our own State. Instead, these places that are easily within arm's reach, continue to go unexplored by many of our children in their most impressionable years. Our elected and appointed officials have allowed special interests, political infighting, petty bickering, and "turf wars" to interfere with our children's education. That cannot be allowed to continue. Despite these barriers, John has a plan to work with private enterprise that will allow 6000 of our school age children, teachers, and chaperones to explore the far ends of our State every year. Putting our children at the top of the priority list will ensure our they receive a quality education second to none in the nation.
