Representatives Crowley, Serrano, Tonko Lead New York Congressional Delegation Letter Supporting Federal Grant for Hunts Point Market

Press Release

Date: March 20, 2012
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Reps. Joe Crowley (NY-7), José E. Serrano (NY-16), and Paul Tonko (NY-21) spearheaded a letter, which was signed by New York's entire Congressional Delegation, supporting the Hunts Point Terminal Produce Cooperative's application for a critical transportation infrastructure grant. In the letter, the officials urge Department of Transportation (DOT) Secretary Ray LaHood to support New York City's Economic Development Council's TIGER IV grant application for the market, which would provide $15 million in DOT funds to modernize freight rail and improve internal circulation at the Hunts Point Market.

"Not only does the Hunts Point Market provide millions of New Yorkers with affordable fresh produce, it also employs thousands of workers and supports over 200 large farms from throughout the state," said Rep. Crowley. "The Hunts Point Market has played an integral role in New York's economy for over 40 years and the initiatives proposed in this grant application will ensure it continues to do so. These much-needed improvements to the Market will modernize the facility and help to create hundreds of new jobs. This is exactly the kind of investment the federal government should make to boost our economy and put people back to work."

"The statewide support for improvements to the Hunts Point Market show that its value goes far beyond the many jobs and economic activity it supports in the Bronx," said Rep. Serrano. "As a world class city and state we must have facilities to match. Improving the Hunts Point Market will ensure that it will continue to serve us in top-notch fashion for years to come. Moreover, the upgrades will decrease truck idling and air pollution; a key step forward for the community. It is a win-win scenario for everyone involved."

"I am happy to work with the entire bipartisan New York delegation, as well as Governor Cuomo and Mayor Bloomberg, to advance projects that promote New York's farmers, growers, distributors and customers. While this project is physically located in the New York City region, its impact and benefits will be felt throughout the state -- including in the Capital Region. The Hunts Point Market is another step toward ensuring we continue to invest in a safe and secure food supply and promote our New York farmers by providing them a market for their goods and encouraging consumers to buy local," said Rep. Tonko.

The second largest food hub in the world, Hunts Point Market serves over 22 million people per year. The Market sources almost 15% of its produce from New York during the peak growing season, supporting almost 200 large farms located throughout the State. The Market also provides thousands of jobs in the Bronx community and helps boost economic activity in the area. In December, Governor Cuomo announced that Hunts Point Market will receive $29.5 million to modernize its facility through the New York City Regional Councils' plan to grow the economy and create jobs in New York City.

In addition to Reps. Crowley, Serrano and Tonko, the letter below was signed by U.S. Senators Charles E. Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, and Representatives Gary Ackerman, Tim Bishop, Ann Marie Buerkle, Yvette Clarke, Eliot Engel, Chris Gibson, Michael Grimm, Richard Hanna, Nan Hayworth, Brian Higgins, Maurice Hinchey, Kathy Hochul, Steve Israel, Peter King, Nita Lowey, Carolyn Maloney, Carolyn McCarthy, Gregory Meeks, Jerrold Nadler, Bill Owens, Charlie Rangel, Tom Reed, Louise Slaughter, Ed Towns, Bob Turner, and Nydia Velázquez.
