Veterans Committee Hears Rep. Bilirakis' Legislation to Improve GI Bill Education

Press Release

Date: March 9, 2012
Location: Washington, DC

On Thursday, the House Veterans Affairs Committee held a hearing to address H.R. 4057, legislation introduced by Rep. Gus Bilirakis (FL-09) that would improve outreach and transparency to veterans and members of the Armed Forces to help them make informed decisions about the institutions of higher learning where they can use their GI Benefits and develop their skills after serving our nation.

"When service members transition back to civilian life and look to use their hard-earned GI benefits, they deserve to be armed with the best and most complete information to help them decide what institutions will best meet their needs," said Bilirakis, who is Vice Chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee. "We must make sure they have access to these resources and advice so that the use of their benefit will reflect the most affordable and effective education that will help them find meaningful work."

This legislation also calls for a survey that would help the VA improve the effectiveness of the GI Bill program and assess the preparedness of veterans before and after they pursue education or training.
