Statement from Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick on Extension of the Middle Class Tax Cut


Date: Feb. 17, 2012
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Taxes

Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick issued the following statement on the extension of the middle class tax cut:

"Today I joined my colleagues in passing a bipartisan bill which not only extends the important tax cut for the middle class, but also provides certainty to doctors who treat Medicare patients and to those who rely on unemployment insurance in these difficult economic times."

"Despite the obstructionist tactics pursued by some in the Senate during the negotiations surrounding this legislation, today's compromise represents my continued efforts to prevent a tax increase on America's middle class at a time when every dollar counts. I am also proud to have supported several key reforms included in this legislation which will put our unemployment insurance program on a path towards fiscal stability and promote re-employment.

"Most importantly, this agreement was reached through the process set out by our Founding Fathers. Rather than being worked out in private, back-room negotiations, these items were debated in public view in conference committees between the House and Senate. We must continue to embrace this transparent style of government as we work to confront the economic and budgetary challenges which face our nation."
