Issue Position: Energy

Issue Position

By: Rod Blum
By: Rod Blum

Issue Position: Energy

In a nutshell, Congress needs to reverse federal policies that have restricted our domestic energy production, and have forced American consumers to rely far too heavily upon foreign oil. The current administration's policies embrace arcane regulatory processes, restrict domestic exploration and production, and delay needed nuclear, advanced coal, and renewable energy projects, pipelines, and transmission lines.

97% of federal off-shore lands and 94% of federal on-shore lands are not leased for energy exploration at a time when America is spending record amounts importing petroleum and related products from foreign sources. Over 270 permits are pending for exploration in the Gulf of Mexico, according to the Department of Justice, while leases that have already been paid for and issued have remained idle for four years in Alaska due to government delays.

America has an abundance of resources but the current administration has continually been taking land and coastal areas off the table for oil and gas production by canceling onshore leases and imposing a moratorium on exploration and production in the Gulf of Mexico.

I believe in an "all of the above" energy strategy to lower gas prices and liberate America from its dependence on foreign oil. We need more domestic oil, natural gas, nuclear, hydro, clean coal, and renewables.

Iowa's agricultural abundance needs to play a major role in America's overall energy solution. By diversifying farm commodities and agricultural by-products such as corn, soybeans, switch grass and livestock waste - and capturing natural resources such as wind to produce homegrown, renewable energy -- are winning strategies for Iowa AND for addressing America' energy security.

As someone who lives on 80 acres of native grasslands in rural Dubuque County, I believe in conscientious stewardship of the land, water and air. The native grasslands that I planted serve as an ecosystem for birds and wildlife, and are absolutely beautiful - its the way Iowa looked thousands of years ago! We need to ensure energy exploration and production is done in an environmentally sensitive way.
