President's Budget Fails to Deliver

Date: Feb. 13, 2012
Location: Washington, DC

Representative Reid Ribble (WI-08), a member of the House Budget Committee, released the following statement regarding President Obama's Fiscal Year 2013 Budget.

"The President's budget does little, if anything, to seriously address our nation's fiscal problems. Instead of putting a stop to trillion dollar deficit spending, the President's budget continues this unhealthy trend and takes our country deeper into debt.

"The debt crises of the past couple of years, our credit downgrade and the unnervingly high unemployment numbers have all been considered red flags to tackle the debt and out-of-control spending, but unfortunately the President seems to remain unfazed. The promise of cutting the deficit in half by the end of President Obama's first term is a far cry from where our county is now: $15.3 trillion in debt and climbing.

"The President said in his speech today that his budget is a reflection of shared responsibilities, but it seems that the responsibility lies heavily on the backs of small businesses and hardworking taxpayers. Instead of cutting spending and driving down the debt, the budget amps up spending and takes us further down the road toward bankruptcy.

"This budget reconfirms the President's disregard of our country's growing debt crisis which will have a tremendous impact on the fiscal well-being of our children and grandchildren. We cannot spend our way out of this debt problem, and it's time that we work on real solutions and get real commitment from both chambers and the President to fix Washington's broken budget process and get out country on a more fiscally sound and sustainable path."
