Governor Susana Martinez Praises House Passage of Veteran Employment Tax Credit


Date: Feb. 11, 2012
Location: Santa Fe, NM

Today, Governor Martinez praised the passage of the Veteran Employment Tax Credit in the New Mexico House of Representatives. House Bills 10/154, sponsored by Rep. Terry McMillan (R-Las Cruces) and Rep. Thomas Garcia (D-Ocate), will provide business owners with a tax credit of up to $1,000 for hiring veterans returning to New Mexico from deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan. The tax credit is part of Governor Martinez's tax reform package designed to help create more jobs in New Mexico. The legislation was passed on the House floor this afternoon by a unanimous vote of 60-0.

"We owe it to the men and women who fight for our freedom to make sure that they have jobs available to them when they return home," said Governor Martinez. "Sadly, our veterans are coming back to some very difficult economic times and it is heartbreaking that many of these heroes are forced to stand in the unemployment line. This tax credit will provide New Mexico employers with a significant incentive to get our veterans back to work and honor the brave soldiers who have sacrificed so much on our behalf. I applaud the House of Representatives for passing this bill and I'm hopeful that it will receive the same broad, bipartisan support in the Senate."
