Conaway on CLASS Act Repeal


Date: Feb. 1, 2012

Today, Rep. K. Michael Conaway made the following statement after the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1173 to repeal the CLASS program.

"Today, the House of Representatives took another step forward in our efforts to repeal Obamacare. The CLASS Act was flawed in its inception and today, the House of Representatives offered legislation to repeal one of the most egregious and fiscally irresponsible components of the President's healthcare law.

"Since the start of the healthcare reform debate, actuaries, researchers, and policy makers have warned us that the CLASS Act would be a fiscal failure. Even Richard Foster, Medicare's Chief Actuary, said that "[v]oluntary, unsubsidized and non-underwritten insurance programs such as CLASS face a significant risk of failure.' What is worse is he predicted the program would begin to run deficits in 2025 and never recover.

"Last year, even the Department of Health and Human Services said the CLASS Act could not be implemented in a fiscally sound manner, yet President Obama and his allies on Capitol Hill continue to vote and defend junk."
